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Rhode Island Red...rooster?

22 17:37:05

So I have 6 ladies, one of which I have a supspicion might be a rooster.. because his comb is so bright red and he is the leader of the pack, the only one who still pecks.... Besides "crowing" at her/him to check the response.. Do you have pics of rooster vrs hen in this breed that will actually show a difference?  I had bought all hens but now I would LIKE to have a if red cloud turns out to be another hen..Can I just go get a rooster to add to the pack? And if thats okay- should he be there age or can I get a baby and integrate them?

thanks :)

Hello Katie,

Having a bright comb and being quite peck-happy doesn't make her a rooster! Your other hens should just have solid colouring, maybe with some minimal black streaks- a rooster looks quite different, like this
If you want a rooster then I suggest getting a slightly older one, that may have run with hens of his own before, so he knows what he's doing! Young and inexperienced roosters in my experience tend to harass the girls too much and go a bit power mad!

Thanks for your question.