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Cockatoo (Umbrella)

22 17:38:22

I was cleaning my cockatoos cage which has a playpen on top and i discovered several small brown bugs all over the play area. they were also in the cage and on the floor behind the cage they seem to be on the food particles in the floor. i checked my cockatoo and i do not see anything on her. can you tell me what type of bug this could be and what i need to do to prevent them in the future.

Oh..this is something you should try asking an exterminator. Take pictures of the bugs, and give them to someone that works as an exterminator, or have someone come to the house.

These bugs may not be harmful, but over time they may be. If you do not do anything about it, you might have an infestation.

I am not a specialist with bugs, so please do not rate me on this answer since I do not know much.

Hope I helped anyways. :)