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Parakeet hatchling father died, mom looks weak

22 17:50:24

We had a pair of parakeets the mother laid 3 eggs.  apparently only one was fertile and it has hatched 3 days ago.  Originally the male bird was not allowed into the nesting box but as the time of hatch neared the female warmed up to the male and let him feed her.  eventually afte the bird hatched she would actally let him in the nesting box.  He looked somewhat emaciated, and had lots of excrement but was continuing to feed the mother and I think the hatchling.  Yeaterday afternoon we found him dead in the nesting box with the baby under his wings.  The mother was not paying attention to the baby.  With gloves we removed the male and closed the nesting box and went to get food and a dropper, and warming light at the pet store.  By the time we returned the female had resumed feeding the baby.  But now she is looking tired.  It is my understanding not to intervene and let mom do her thing.  But this morning she was on her perch and looked a little weak.  We do not want to lose her too. Any guidelines for when of if we should take over the feeding process?  any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.  

Hello John and thank you for your post.
I am so very sorry for the loss of your male parakeet.  You do, however need to get Mom and the baby into a Certified Avian/Exotic Animal Vet ASAP.  If the male was sick, there is a good chance that he has passed this on to Mom and the baby.
You can start pulling the baby and hand feeding it right away.  This should help the mother to get some of her strength back, but the two definatley need to be seen ASAP.

Good luck and God Bless.