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my cockatiel

22 17:39:42

Hello, I had a cockatiel for about 3yrs and then went overseas for 18mths at which point my cockatiel spent the time outside with other cockatiels. I now have her back and once again she is extremely attached to me and its as though nothing had changed. My problem is though I feel extremely guilty leaving her home on her own though and am wondering whether i should get her a friend to keep eachother company when im not around. I understand this may make her less attached to me but i just feel horrible leaving her home on her own whenever i go to work or go out.


It's very sweet of you be so concerned about your cockatiel.  If I had this question, I'd get a video recorder and review what she does all day.  You might be surprised.  She'll eat, drink, preen, nap, and generally occupy herself.  You also might try leaving a radio or television on near her cage.  If you still feel this way after watching her on video, and you decide to get another cockatiel, be sure to quarantine it (house it in a separate room of the house) for 60-90 day, bring the tiel to a new bird visit at an avian vet, and make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after handling the new bird.

Good luck!
