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Lovebird laying egg

23 9:32:30

I have a female lovebird and a male lovebird who are kept seperately.  The female has just laid an egg.  It was somewhat expected because she has been increasingly spreading her wings and lifting her tail while my family and I play with her and has also been leaving nesting materials in our shirts when shes out.
I know she has not mated with the male, she is very aggresive towards him when they are near each other, and she is very attached to her human companions.  
I am concerned for her because I am not sure if she will start laying eggs on a frequent basis.  I know this can be harmful.  Is there any way to deter her from doing so?
She seems to not pay much attention to the egg and therefore we have taken it out of her cage.  She has a bit of blood in her stool (right after the egg was laid) I wanted to make sure this was normal.  She seems to be her normal self and in good spirits otherwise.  Please let me know if this is something that should be of any concern.  Thanks  

Hi, Christina.  Thanks for posting.

Your female lovebird could lay a full clutch of eggs, which is approximately 6 eggs (1 egg every other day up to about 6).  The harm that can occur is that she could become calcium-deficient from laying eggs.  If she is healthy, this might not be a problem at all.  However, would be a good idea to place a cuttlebone in her cage so she can get added calcium if she needs it.  Things you can do to try and dissuade her from laying is to keep the amount of light she has available each day down to 10-12 hours, definitely do not have any type of nestbox or place in the cage that resembles a nest.  I also recommend you do not remove any eggs that she lays from the cage.  Removing the eggs as they are laid will prompt her to keep laying and laying.  If you leave the eggs in the cage, she'll stop laying (if she in fact does continue to lay) when she has a full clutch.  Then, let her abandon the infertile eggs on her own.  She may try to incubate them the full 18 days, but this is OK.  She'll eventually ignore them completely.  Then you can take them all out of the cage.  She may not have paid a lot of attention to the first egg because most parrots don't start incubating until the second egg is laid.

Blood in the stool right after laying an egg and/or on the laid egg itself is normal.  However, if you see any blood after a day, I'd say this would be abnormal and she should be seen by an avian veterinarian.

Come back if you have additional questions/concerns.  Thanks.
