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Introducing two conures

22 17:48:49

My girlfriend recently got a one year old cinnamon cheek-conure - we don't know the sex.  We've been trying to introduce the bird to my yellow-sided female three-year-old conure.  We don't know how they're relating to each other and afraid to let them be that close because the three-year-old is slightly aggressive and bigger.  When we put them near each other with one in the cage they beak each other and will occasionally grab at a tail feather or two.  They don't pull out feathers or anything.  They've spent a few weeks together in separate cages near each other.

Do you think this is aggressive behavior?  

Are they trying to mate or anything, or are they trying to rip each other's faces off?  

Hi Lindsay,

Without actually seeing the behaviors your birds are displaying and how they are interacting I really can not answer this. What I can do is give you some links to my past anwers about introducing birds. If you still feel uncomfortable understanding what their intentions are then I recommend that you work with a parrot behaviorist/trainer to help you.

Here are the links:
