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23 9:29:55


I plan to keep indian ringnecks and cockatiels.
I also have 2 budgies which I plan to breed.
Is it ok to keep all these birds in the same avairy and then possibly separate at breeding times?

would they breed all together?

I was told I could have finches as well with these birds?  

Hi Darren,

Well they can all be in the same ROOM, but certainly not in the same cage. Some types of birds will fight, for example budgies and cockatiels will fight if in contact with eachother. Just make sure that they cannot reach eachother and you will be fine. No they can not breed together. If they feel threated they may not even breed at all. Just keep a good eye on them. Just remember this, cockatiels are very sensitive, but can adapt to change very well. Be careful, and good luck.
