Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > possible mites

possible mites

22 17:36:39

QUESTION: My husband left the door to our deck open and a wild junco flew into the house.  My puppy pounced on it, but my husband managed to rescue it.  It seemed stunned and lost a few feathers.  Not knowing what else to do, he stuck it in the cage with my 2 parakeets.  When I got home seven hours later, I separated the junco into another cage.  It seems unhurt, is eating and drinking, and I plan to release it.  My question is, do I need to treat my parakeets prophylactically for mites?  My understanding is that most wild birds harbor them.  Thank you in advance.  CR

ANSWER: yes I would treat your parakeets for mites. Most wild birds will have them so it is better to treat and be sure!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What would be the best product to use for the birds, and for the cage?  The parakeets are sweet but not tame.    CR

Well, there are different types of mites, and different treatments for each, so this is probably a question for a vet. You might just give them a call and tell them what happened.

You should disinfect the age asap..
Take the keets out of the cage and completely disinfect the cage, bowls, and toys, EVERYTHING  replace old food, new litter or paper etc. The best way to disinfect the cage is water with a bit of bleach or hydrogen peroxide added. Make sure the cage is compeletly dry before putting the birds back in it!