Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > cages


22 17:46:41

I'm getting a male cockatiel soon this week. I have a cage but I'm afriad it might be to small. This is my first cockatiel so I'm not sure. The cage is 16 inches wide and 21 inches deep from the tip of the cage but 18 inches deep on the receding part of the roof. Is this big enough? I hope so.

Hello Dee,

The minimum cage size for a cockatiel would be 24" x 24" x24". With the size you have he would not even be able to spread his wings. And of course, the largest you can afford is usually the best option.

I recommend that you continue to learn all you can about parrot care, behavior, and training. Some other basics I want to make sure you are aware of;

1. Do you have your avian veterinarian picked out yet? You should have an appointment set up within 10 days of getting any new bird.

2. Diet - a healthy daily diet consists of pellets,fresh fruits and veggies, and a limited amount of seed.

3. Other things to learn about would be proper perching, husbandry, proper toys, playgyms, etc.

One book that I would recommend you get is The Companion Parrot Handbook by Sally Blanchard.

Best wishes to you and your new feathered friend.
