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PMSing bird!

22 17:41:03

I have a parakeet Bloo, and she is usually very happy all the time. But Tonight, I walked passed her cage and she tried to snap at me. I ignored it, and tried playing with her, but all she did was try to bite me! Hard! And when I would retreat my hand out of the cage, she would start snapping at the air and me! Did I do something wrong or is Bloo just being a normal girl "PMSing?"

Hi there,

Birds don't menstruate, so PMS is not whats happening here. Perhaps he is a male and being territorial. Birds have their off days just as humans do. Perhaps she just wanted to be left alone. Monitor the behavior and see if there is certain times of the day or situations that get her going. Also, consider a DNA sex check if your unsure of sex.

Let me know how it goes.
