Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Parakeet-eggs


22 17:59:09

Hi, I have a male and a female Parakeet. My female Parakeet has laid about seven eggs,but she won't let me come near the nest and she won't leave the nest either. What shouldI do? Also I wanted to know how long does it usually take for the eggs to hatch?

Hello Shamar.  Thank you for your post.
It is not unusual for a female bird to be protective of her eggs.  When she get hungry and thirsty, she will come out to eat and drink, then she'll go back to sitting on her eggs.
If they are fertile, then it takes up to 20 days for them to start hatching.  If they are not fertile, then little by little she'll start pushing the eggs out of the way.  If she quits sitting on them altogether, then none of them are fertile and it is safe to take them out of the cage and throw them away.
Just let her do her thing.  She has the instincts that she need to hatch the eggs if they are fertile.

Please keep me informed on how the eggs are doing (Mom & Dad too).

Good luck and God Bless.