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what to feed the parents

22 17:54:43

Well i have to cockatiel this is the first time for them to lay eggs, and they have hatched, yay!! The parents are doing a wonderfull job, and the babies look healthy but,  i dont know what to feed the parents do i just feed them seeds are do i need to put other things in there as well???  im sure they will be fine but i just need to make sure i would hate the mother to go threw her babies dieing!

Hi, Rylee.  Thanks for posting!

Your birds definitely are on a poor diet if they are on an all-seed diet.  However, you can't change their diet now!  Birds won't eat food they don't recognize as food (if they haven't eaten that food in the past).  In other words, if your birds aren't accustomed to eating other foods besides seeds, they won't accept other foods right now.  You can convert them to other foods AFTER they are done feeding these babies, but you can't change their diet right now.  It would result in too much stress and they most likely won't eat new things you put in for them to eat.  You'll need to start introducing them to other foods after their babies are weaned.
