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Ring Neck Dove eggs

22 17:36:48

Hello, I have 2 ringneck doves and they just laid two eggs one day from each other on 10/12.  They do have a nest and the female sits on the nest all the time.  The male does not.  The males is always taking the eggs out of the nest to the cage floor.  today is 10/29 and still no hatch.  When coming home today one of the eggs was on the cage floor and cracked, not all the way, but cracked on side of egg.  I took the eggs to the light and looked at them and it just kind of looked like water in them.  I did see some veins or atleast it looked like veins.  This female did lay eggs on time before but they never did hatch.  The male is new to this female, so I am not sure about this egg thing.  I have had the female for about a year and the male for only about 3 months.  The other male died that was the mate to the female.  So my question is how much longer should I wait for the eggs and can you tell me why the male is taking the eggs out of the nest and why he is not having nothing to do with them?  Thank you so very much.

Well, I am not a breeder and my knowledge on these types of issues is a bit limited. The eggs should hatch at around 15 days. Some breeders will let the doves keep the eggs for three weeks, and then remove them should they not hatch.

Are you sure the birds actually mated? If they didn't and the female is laying unfertilized eggs this may be why the male is having issue's,  however I would find a breeder to talk to if you are planning on breeding your doves.