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constipated dove?

23 9:29:01

Thank you so much, Austin, for your quick reply! Unfortunately I have done my best to ask on some bird post websites and searching the internet as well. I have also searched through books about doves at the library and have found nothing that even matches close to his symptoms. I understand you can't really say for sure what might be wrong but if you could please give me your opinion. My dove seems to be suffering pretty bad. He sits on his perch or at the bottom corner of the cage, puffed up, head tucked in with eyes closed and panting very heavily (even his bill opens with each breath) I am serious that he does this -all- day long. I have never seen him behave this way before and feel he might be in great pain. I also don't think his quality of life is very good at all.

If you could please let me know your opinion,from your experience, if it is best to put this poor bird out his misery or if there might be something else I should try so his life could be spared.

Thank you so much for your time,

Followup To

Question -
Dear Austin,
I have had a pet dove for several years with no problems.  The past 3-4 weeks it has started having poop stuck on its bottom.  It even walks with its legs further apart and seems like it has a hard time keeping its legs from sliding to the sides. I tried to clean its bottom with a wet paper towel but it just gets dirty again.  It has been eating so far but now it breathes really fast and hard. I don't see any runny eyes or nose.  Sometimes this big blob of poop will come off on its own with alot of feathers stuck on it. I've fed finch seeds mixed with a few     atiel seeds in the past and provided grit always. Never had any problems. I recently sprinkled a few seeds that are supposed to help when a bird is stressed from molting and contain extra vitamins but nothing seems to help relieve this problem.  At first it was just the big poop blob on its bottom but now it seems to be breathing really hard. I can't really afford to find a bird vet and take it to him.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer -
Hi Susie,

Sadly, there isn't much to say. I know he is sick, because poop stuck to the bottom is definently a sickness sign. Do what you can, I understand money problems. Good luck, I hope he gets better soon. I do recommend doing some web searches though.


Hi again Susie,

I have seen these symptoms many times before. I usually see them in parakeets that are sick, and sometimes finches that are sick. I guess a dove can get it too, concidering it matches the exact illness. Unfortunatly I can't remember what the illness is called, it is actually pretty common. The only thing I can recommend is the vet, but I remember you telling me you don't have enough money. So here is the over all message I am sending to you: Your bird is sick, and it is up to you on what you do. There isn't much of any other way I can think of right now, becides the vet. Maybe just give it time, make it happy, and go to the vet only if it gets worse. Try that. I wish the best of luck for you and your dove.
