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New Budgie

22 17:46:35

Hello! I recently bought a budgie from the local pet store. He's from pretty bad conditions (for a pet store it was more of a "bin of budgies" thing - about ten budgies stuck into a tiny cage =[ ). I've read up on everything I could find, and I still have a couple questions. Is there anyway to make him feel more safe in his new cage? Also, how long should I wait to start taming him? (Because he was from a bad pet store, he was of course never hand fed etc). I tried to find a specific time as possible to start and couldn't. I've had him for a few days. He appears to be less than four months old and is fine in health, just a little nervous. Cheers and thanks for the help!

Hello Star,

Congratulations on your new pet! The first and most important step to making sure you are providing with good basic is to take him to your avian veterinarian. Due to the circumstances of his purchase I recommend that, in addition to the yearly exam and CBC, you test for psittacosis and run a fecal for parasites such as giardia. Both are very common with pet store birds. This is for your health as well, both can be transmitted to humans. Please make the appointment now as this is a step in bird care that should not be skipped, only your avian veterinarian can determine the health of your bird.

Once you know he is health then start the training. Through training you will establish a positive and trusting relationship that will make him comfortable in general. The is no set formula on when to train as every bird is different. However I typically recommend the sooner the better and after the vet exam.

As I side note I would like to mention that whether or not he was hand feed does not determine the type of relationship you develop with him. Establishing a good relationship happens with good basic care (diet, vet care), training, and the commitment of the owner to never stop learning all they can about parrots.

Here are past responses where I discuss training;

In addition my website has links to good parrot websites to help you.
