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needing help bad...

23 9:29:13

I have a male Yellow Head Parrot. I have had him for about 2 weeks. The people who had him before giving him to me did not have time for him and several times he had been given away but was always brought back because he didn't like someone and he would bite them so he would be abused and then taken back. He was always put back in the garage when returned and left alone ALOT! I was finally able to talk the owners in to giving me a try with Beddos (his name) because he always seemed to like me when I would visit. The adjustment has gone well except for one thing. After just two weeks and alot of attention he is really coming around but maybe a little too much. He has started to regurgate for me and has become way too loving towards me. I have got him where I can pet him and he is not biting me but is trying to stradle my hand in a very excited manner. I do not know alot about parrots but think he is better off with me so I really need to know what is best for him and how to handle an over affectionate bird. I bought a book about Parrots called Parrots for dummies, but it really does not tell me alot about behavior of a abused 28 year old. I really hope you can help or maybe direct me to someone I can talk to that can help me along. I really care about Beddos and am amazed at how very smart Parrots are and how much fun they can be, but I still just want what is best for him.  Thank You.

First off- Thank you for taking this poor bird in! What a horrible situation he has come from!  

These sexual advances are commong with parrots and their owners, because parrots often view their owner as their mate (and that is why they bond so strongly with them and want to be with them all the time).

Here are some articles that should help you with your Amazon though:  (not that your bird is laying eggs, but he is displaying courting/breeding behaviors, so some of these tips might help)

I hope this all helps.
