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Should i get a friend for my cockatiel?

22 17:39:04

Hi Cynthia,

I have an 18 month male cockatiel who has bonded with me. He tolerates my husband & can be very affectionate with him but when I leave the room he screams his head off. I have been ignoring the behavior & he has improved but I am now working longer hours & the neighbours say he screams non stop for 3 hours straight when we are not home Oops!!! Should we get him a friend? I do not want babies at this time, so would a female in a seperate house (i hate saying cage!)be best or would another male be ok or even another species? He is a great bird in every other way & I know the screaming is our fault (first time feather parents) what do think would be best for him?


Dominique and Cheekybird

Hi, Dominque.  

It's not necessary to get him a friend.  And I wouldn't get him a mirror either, which some people do to simulate a friend.  If you do, Cheekybird may bond with the "friend" and lose his close relationship with you.

You also did not cause the issue; genetics did.  Cockatiels are flock birds.  They live among the flock and their method of not being separated from the flock is to scream until they are answered.  

Before you go to the trouble and expense of getting another bird, try leaving on the television or a talk radio.  The sound may fool him into thinking that other members of the flock are around.

Good luck,
