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leaving the cage and not returning

22 17:59:10

the night frights only happened one night, i guess she was just scared. I was wondering i have basically no problem getting her out of the cage but she scares me sometimes because she will be on my shoulder and try to fly off and her wings are clipped. is there a way to train her not to fly off me i am worried she will get hurt.
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At about 3 am this morning my bird went completely nuts in his cage. He was thrashing about and was unable to be calmed down until i took him out of the cage. HE had a stressful day with traveling and being in a new place. I just wanted to know if these night terrors were common or should i be concerned?
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thank you for your insight, i just tryed that and with minimal biting it worked kinda, but pratice makes perfect. my secnd question is what does it mean when my tiel puffs his feathers while i am holding him? also does their mohawk display their mood at all?

matt & my tiel sam
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I recently got my first cockatiel about 7 days ago, he started out perching on my finger and being nice, but as he got more use to his surrounding he doesn't want to leave the cage. he will leave occasionally but i have to put my hand in to get him, he won't come to me willingly. How can i correct this problem and make my tiel come to me willingly.
Hello Matt and thank you for your question.
You can try to coax him to come out.  Cut back on his food a little bit, and when it comes to feeding time take his dish out of his cage completely and hold it with one hand (this can also be done with his favorite treat).
Hold your free hand to the door of the cage and hold his food dish (or treat) close to your free hand. He will eventually come to the door of his cage and either step out of the cage, or balance himself on the opening (this depends on the type of cage that you have).  Gently coax him onto your hand with the command that you want him to "step up" with, and if he even just puts one foot onto your finger, praise him and let him have a nibble or two of the food.  This is a repetition that you need to follow, and be consistent about it.
He will soon learn that it's pretty neat to come out of the cage because he will get a treat and praise.
My 10 year old cockatiel was neglected and unsocialized when I got her (I've had her for almost 2 years now).  She wouldn't come to me at all when I first got her, but using this method, she will step up on command, and she loves to give kisses.  She has also learned that she loves the attention that she gets when she is good.

Good luck and God Bless.
Hi Matt.
Yes their crest (Mohawk) can tell the mood of your bird.  If it's up, he is displaying that he is happy and alert.  My male tiel usually has his down, unless he is on my shoulder or finger.  Sometimes when he is mad, he will flatten his crest so close to his head that I can hardly tell that he has a crest.
If your tile is puffed up when he is on your finger, then he's comfortable and relaxed.  If he is puffed up for long periods of time in his cage, then he is sick and needs to be seen by a Certified Avian Vet right away.

I hope this helps, and I am glad that the coaxing is working.  Just remember to be consistent about it.  It's going to take time, but he'll catch on.

God Bless.
It sounds like your bird got "Night Frights" which is not uncommon.  Especially if the bird has traveled and been put into a new environment.
Don't cover it's cage at night, and put a small night light into the room where the bird is at.  This should help to stop the "Night Frights".

Let me know how it goes.

God Bless.

Hello Matt.
Your bird is curious and wants to explore.  Instead of putting him on your shoulder right away, try putting him on the floor and let him walk around for a bit first.  Just make sure that you keep an eye on him.
If this doesn't work, then you can consider getting him a harness.
Let me know if I can do anything else.

God Bless.