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DOVE (fat chicken)

22 17:46:24

My daughter found a dove a couple of months ago. We called the local animal shelter and checked the paper, to see if anyone had lost the bird. It was wearing (and still is),a leg band which looks as if has a month and numbers that follow. We decided to keep it, and I gave it the name fat chicken. I read a male has a flat head, so I finally know my fat chicken is a boy. I've been feeding him wild bird food and he has his preference of seeds. How do I know whether he is getting enough grit to digest the seeds? Are the seeds enough? Also, is toasted bread okay on occasion? Is there anything unhealthy for him that he shouldn't eat? I have kids, and fat chicken will try to eat potato chips(crumbs), drink out their cereal bowls, and steal your fish sticks if you let him.

Hi, Talaya,

I picked your question up from the question pool.

Your dove will eat the amount of grit is needs to grind up its seed.  You should feed your dove dove grain.  Wild bird seed is OK in a pinch, but contains some seeds doves usually don't eat.  Any type of food you can get your dove to eat is OK!  Birds are lactose intolerant, but a sip of milk occasionally never killed a bird.  Use your best judgment as to what not to feed the bird.  In other words, if you wouldn't give it to your kids, don't allow the bird to eat it either!
