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Can i give sugarcane to my cockatiel

22 17:48:50

Hi Dianna,

Sugarcane is available here in our place. can i provide my cockatiel with that?

Hello Vijay.
I do not recommend giving a bird any kind of sugar, including sugar cane.  While it is a sweet treat for humans, it could be fatal for birds.  Their systems are so tiny and they can't digest the sugar, which will overload their bodies and could cause kidney or liver trouble.
A nice treat for all birds would be millet spray or dandelion greens.  My cockatiels all love fresh pineapple and seedless grapes.  These are fine to give, but limit the intake of fresh pineapple.  This has citric acid in it and if your bird gets too much, it could make him/her sick.

Good luck and God Bless.