Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > should i replace the female budgie or not?

should i replace the female budgie or not?

22 17:47:49

i had 2 budgies. One male and one female. I have them for at least 8 months. about few days back the female budgie found a way to get out of my windows and flew away and now the the male budgie is all alone. should let the male budgie go to  or should i get a another female budgie to replace it? Or should wait for the female budgie to come back? what is advice sir on it?

I would give not up the hope that your budgie comes back.

I would open the window after the time you have placed new food and water in the cage.

So first give food in the cage and after you have safely closed the cage open the window.

Normally should the male be calling for his mate.
If he is singing or is calling that would also be a good time to open the window.

Placing food in the window opening should help, but do not start with it.

Do it only if the female is closeby but need a little push to get in.