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newly adopted blue crown conure

22 17:47:47

We just adopted a 5 year old bleu crown conure from someone who has had him since he was only 3 months old.
How can we make him feel comfortable in his new home with 4 new faces?  He let us pick him up, and pet him when we were with his "owner", but since we got him home, he will not let us take him out of his cage, and he tries to bite us.  This is our first conure, and we need as much advice as you can offer us so he will be  happy and healthy, and learn to love us as much as he loves his previous "mom".

Hello Wendy,

Congratulations on your new pet! Have you taken him for his avian veterinarian appointment yet? This should be your fist step.

Below are some links to my past answers help you get started understanding his behavior and with training sessions. But - the best thing you can do for your bird is to learn all you can about parrot care, behavior, and training  and to never stop learning. To get you started with this;
1. I highly recommend you buy the book The Companion Parrot Handbook by Sally Blanchard
2. Subscribe to a monthly parrot magazine such as Bird Talk.
3. Again - keep learning! My website has links to excellent parrot resources that you will find helpful.

Enjoy your new bird!
