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Birthday cake

22 17:38:30

Hello, I have 10 budgerigars and one of them is turning 1 on December 26, 2008 the day after Christmas. I would like to make his birthday really special but I'm not sure how to make a bird cake. Do you have any recipes that 10 budgeriagrs would like to eat?


Aw that is so sweet!! One of my Ringneck Doves turned 1 on December 2, 2008, and I gave her a present, (a bird toy) and a bunch of cards that my friends and I made for her. Then we hung them up in her cage, sung happy birthday to her, and filmed it and put it on youtube. As for a cake, I gave her some FETA cheese, carrots, and cockatiel seeds in a bowl..and boy did she love it! haha.
What can you do for your budgie? Well..
Be creative, let him be with his best "friends" of all the budgies. Whats his favorite foods that you give him? Put something cool together. Don't go out of her way thought, your budgie may not be into cake style foods. If he is, then try it! Here are some links to some recipes.

For something totally awesome for your bird..

Hope that helps,
and tell him I wish him a great birthday!