Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > cockatiel cage

cockatiel cage

22 17:38:58

There are lots of suggestions on internet of "minimum dimensions" for cockatiel cage but what size/shape cage do you think would help a cockatiel be healthiest and happiest. I want to do the best I can for the bird, not the minimum I could get by with.


Cockatiels need a minimum cage size of 16 inches wide and 16 inches deep to be able to open and flap their wings inside their cages. Because cockatiels often have night-frights (a startled awakening in the middle of the night), they need extra wing-span room or they may damage their wings severely in flight. Now, saying that, you should buy the largest cage you can afford for your bird provided the cage bar spacing is no more than 5/8".

Regarding the night frights:  to help your pet cockatiel see during a night-fright, place the cage near an electrical outlet and plug in a night light. Then leave the cage cover slightly higher on that side of the cage to let a small amount of light in.

Thanks for writing!
