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Tiles and budgies?

23 9:35:01

Can tiles and budgies be left out together during play-time if I watch them? Also are tiles quite most of the day?  

Yes, of course. As long as you watch them carefully, that one isn't bullying the other. Usually in open space, where one has the option of moving away from the other, there usually isn't a problem. But, I stress that you watch them carefully. My Quaker Parrot, although showing great affection for my Whiteface 'tiel, got onto the cage of the 'tiel, and in an instant, bit her foot. Was a bad call on my part, ('tiel is fine), but I didn't think 1. The Quaker could jump that far. (He was on his play gym) and 2. That he'd display such aggression to my 'tiel, after portraying such affection toward her. So, I stress that you never leave them alone. At the first sign of trouble, take action. As far as 'tiels being quiet most of the day, I think that's a relative question. I don't know what you deem too noisey. 'Tiels are vocal. All parrots are. They need to vocalize as you or I do. There's a difference between normal vocalization and 'noise'. People who don't own parrots may not recognize this *laughs*, but WE do. I find that cockatiels are most vocal first thing in the morning, and then in the late afternoon. If they are not pulling an attitude, and displaying bad behaviour otherwise, that should really be it. Some have been known to take 'tantrums' now and again, or get spooked and screech. My 'tiel will 'call' endlessly for my Quaker if they are put in separate rooms. Quiet during the day? Relatively, yes. 'Tiels aren't known for being extremely vocal/noisey.
Best regards,
Linnie :)