Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Budgie foot turned wrong way

Budgie foot turned wrong way

22 17:58:23

We are budgie 'sitting' and just discovered that one of his toes is turned the wrong way.  How could this have happened, is it broken, can you fix it?  We were instructed to not spend a dime a him, but....


If the break happened recently, yes... get this bird to an avian vet. However, if it has already healed and the bird gets along fine, I don't believe there will be anything the vet could/would do for this little guy. I hope this helps... but if you notice it gets worse, or see any other symptoms of illness, you should get him to a vet asap, even if you were instructed not to spend money on him. (Every animal deserves vet care if sick or injured).

I hope this helps. And happy holidays!
