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Cocketiel borken wing

22 17:58:53

I'm pretty sure my cocketiel has injured her wing. She will not spread it out and is carrying it a little differently than the other.  What can I do?  She doesn't act like she's great pain but won't let me try to assess it without biting me.

Hello Patti and thank you for your post.
How long has she been like this?  If she is not acting like she's in pain, she might have a pin feather that is growing under her wing that is aggravating her.
Take her into a Certified Avian Vet to have the wing checked out just to be sure that it is not broken.  If you try to check it out, and it is broken, you might actually cause more damage.

Please keep me updated on how she's doing.

Good luck and God Bless.