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Scared Parakeet

22 17:41:28

Hello about two months ago I got my male budgie, Tweety, and he was shy at first, but then he became more friendly and would jump up on my hand and such.  About three weeks ago though he suddenly stopped and became afraid of me and would occasionally bite at me.  I have not hurt or yelled at Tweety in any way and I have been trying to retame him, but it does not seem to be working. What should I do?


Perhaps something has spooked Tweety while you have been out?

I suggest that you don't try too hard as your frustration will come across threatening, and just be patient with him. Get him to take some food from your fingers so he will learn to trust your hand again. Hold it so he comes to you, then pull away so he comes over a bit further each time. Then put the food in the palm of your hand so he will sit on you. I don't give my birds sunflower seed in their every day food, instead, I use them as a training tool.

In the evening while your watching TV, let him out of his cage, and start eating something that you know he likes. Let him come to you. They are curious birds and will eventually come over to see you. Be slow around him.

Let me know how you get on.
