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got 2 new birds

23 9:33:14

hello me and my fiance where given two cockatiels and one is 6months old and was hand trained for awhile untill owner got sick and the female is like a year maybe and the same with her,she was hand question is will it be hard to hand train them again?it's been maybe 3 months since they where being handled.and also how long do cockatiels live? and is there any web site i can go to for advice on training them?well hope you can help thanks

Hello Kimberly, It may be ahrd to ahdn tame tehm again and I've personaly never been able to have two hand tame cockatiels as they bond with each other. Heres what I did to tame my single cockatiel and single budgie it worked great, I'd tryed to tame two cockatiels before that lived together but it was a no go they hated me trying to part them for the lest amount of time.

Don't take the long road and feed treats through bars it enver worked for me not once, take a light towel and take one tiel from the cage by force, they need there wings clipped for this, take this little one into a bathroom or bedroom where ever it can not see the cage or other bird and if possible not here teh other bird, this room should be quite and you must talk to the bird in a low voice the whole time, (sit the bird on yuor ahdn after you take it out with a twoel but not before you get to the other area), offer spray millet from your free hand stroe the bird if it flutters off catch it again and sit it on your ahdn do this for 10/15 minutes 2/3 times a day with each bird and they will soon be happy to sit on your hand or shoulder.