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shy parrot

23 9:34:34

hello Linnie,

I've had my female Kakariki parrot, Kiki, for a month now. She is 9 months old. I have got her used to my hand and petting but that's it. I'm stuck on training her further because I cannot find an incentive for her- treats leave her cold as does verbal praise. Her favourite foods seem to be apple and millet, so I've tried witholding these from her then using bits of them as rewards but she'd rather not bother than do what I ask her to ('step up'.) She seems a bit shy, she flies around quite happily but doesn't explore (the toys in her cage don't interest her) and she stays as high as she can. Her main interest is looking out of the window. How can I get her more confident and how can I train her?



Hi Alexandra,
A shy parrot just needs a little bit more patience and time to learn to trust you. Same as with children. We wouldn't push a shy child into a situation to suit our own expectations of how fast they should become accustomed. And, neither should we our parrots. I think you are treading very lightly with her, and sounds like you know exactly what you are doing. I will tell you that it is easier to train/tame a parrot if their wings are clipped. This way they depend on you more. Can't get from point A to point B without you. It sort of places them in a more submissive position. It takes time to find out what a parrot's VFF is. (very favorite food). Although they have many likes, there must be something that would help. Some parrots 'work' strictly for praise, too. I have had both. One where a food/treat incentive worked. And other where he solely thrived on praise and attention. Figure out which works best on her, and go with that. As far as toys go, I have a parrot that is very particular in his toys. Try rearranging them in her cage, too. Sometimes just repositioning them catches their attention and curiosity. Just go slowly with her, you really haven't had her that long. But, to me, it seems that you are right on track with her.
Good luck,