Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > hello amature bird owner again lol.his name is dasiy-duke an i believe he is a male but not to sure

hello amature bird owner again lol.his name is dasiy-duke an i believe he is a male but not to sure

22 17:37:48

My bird tends to fluf up alot when he is on my sholder why dose he do that? what book would you recomend to get that is helpfull and informative about cockatiles? or just keep asking you cause u know so much about them lol ? his chest feathers he sometimes makes them quiver what dose that mean?  thank you for the answers b4 they helped out

If you want to, you can always ask me with your questions, but try going to and searching cockatiels.

What your cockatiel is doing is normal, he is just doing what cockatiels do, their behavior, or its just a little chilly and he is trying to get warm, or he is just trying to clean his feathers, other than preening.

Hope this helps,
Carly ;)