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i think my lovebird is sick

22 17:48:23

Well my boyfriend and I noticed it the other day that his beak has three little scars on it and his beak is turning purple..? Does that mean he is sick? Should we take him to the vet to get looked at? We changed his food maybe that is the cause? please respond to this message I would be devastated if something were to go wrong with our baby bird..
thanks so much

Hello Courtney.  I do believe that you've emailed me before.  If not, then I do apologize.
What was his diet before and what did you change?
Yes, I would denintely take him into a Certified Avian Vet to have him looked at.  I am concerned about his beak turning porple, and I am not qualified to make a  diagnosis for your bird, especially not being able to see him.  The best bet is to take him to someone who is trained and qualified to make such a diagnosis.

Please let me know what the vet says.

Good luck and God Bless.