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Seed Aspiration???

22 17:50:42

Good day,
I have had several cockatiel in the past 15 yrs.  Hand raised 4 of them so I am somewhat educated on their behaviors, etc.  Last night my female cockatiel was in the cage with a symptom I've never seen before.  She appeared to be continuously sneezing/coughing as if she had swallowed something and was choking.  To my knowledge this had not been going on for long.  She was in obvious distress and I made 12 phonecalls for help.  No one could help.  We have to aviary vets in my area.  No vets were open to take a phonecall.  I thought perhaps a little water could alleviate the symptom but it didn't.  After a while the choking stopped and her breathing was rapid (panting).  I took her to a steam filled shower but it didn't help.  He breathing got shallow and she suffocated to death.  It was the worst day of my life. There was nothing I could do to help her.  I'm sick about it. What could have happened to her?  Seed aspiration????  The other 2 birds in the cage with her are fine.  I'm searching to know the answer to her demise.  Thank you.

Hello Marty.  I am so very sorry for your loss.
There are several things that could've caused this, one of which could've been seed aspiration.  
What kind of toys were in her cage.  She might have gotten a small piece from a toy caught in her throat.
Do keep a watch on your other birds, and if they have even the slightest sign of trouble, the get them into a vet right away.  
There might be something in the air that affected her wrong, but I am leaning to possibly one of her toys.  Check all of the toys out very carefully and try to see if there is anything wrong with them.
Unfortunately, without a necropsy, you may never know the answer for sure.
Again, I am so very sorry for your loss. It is always heartbreaking to hear that one of our little feathered friends have passed on.

Good luck and God Bless.