Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > i have two ring neck parakeets,one...

i have two ring neck parakeets,one...

23 9:33:12

i have two ring neck parakeets,one of them recently died the other one keeps calling for him and looks very sad and lonely,what should i do?

Hi Sean,

It is very important that you get your surviving parakeet to an avian vet to make sure that whatever your previous bird died from wasn't something that might have been passed to the second bird (make sure that your first one didn't pass away from a disease or anything like that).

Then, if you can't give your bird enough attention (I recommend at least two hours out of cage time daily), then I would recommend possibly looking for a companion for your lone parakeet. However, you will want to go through proper quarantine before introducing two birds to each other and there are no guarantees that the two birds will get along.

Here is some info. on the reasons to quaratine:

Otherwise, try to distract your parrot from his grief by giving him more attention, and try offering new toys.

I hope this helps.
