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New Birds

22 17:50:55

Hi! We currently own a male parakeet, have had him for about 6 months. He is a very happy bird...sings quite a bit! He did at first come out of the cage, however, from the business of the holidays, we weren't able to take him out as much and he's become shy again.

We will soon be taking in 4 more parakeets from a co-worker. They have been caged together, so I don't plan on separating them. Apparently, there is a male and female that have become "lovebirds" and have produced several eggs. The current owner does not breed them, therefore, just disposes of the eggs. There is no nest.

First question! Will it be difficult to introduce my bird to that cage or should I keep them separated?

Second question! I am interested in breeding the pair. Is this possible since the female has never nested? If I do breed, what should I start with? Should I isolate the male and female from the rest of the birds??

Any help or advice you can give will be greatly appreciated!!


IF the cage is very large you can place all teh birds together but wiat a few weeks to see if the birds your taking are really as healthy as they should be. Lwet the birds meet out of the cage first and after a few emetings it should be safe to put them together but make sure there are alot of food and water areas or he may starve if he is being picked on. You can breed the pair but they need there own cage I haev enver had luck breeding budgies with other non breeding birds, just move them to there own cage add a nest box and in a few weeks they will begin the breeding prossess. Don't expect cuddley tame birds if yuor having them all together a single bird is the best pet bird, once you have multiples they completly loose intrest in there owner and only care for themselfs.