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dove wing

22 17:37:44

Hi, I may be purchasing a pair of young doves, and the owner says that one of the doves has a habit of appearing like it has a broken wing. She says that it is not broken, but the action is a protective mechanism when the dove feels threatened. She says that she has been told that he may grow out of it. Is this common among doves? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Yes, doves will do this, and it is normal. Since I have not seen this behavior for myself though, I do not know for sure if it will stop. Doves only do something like this if they are scared, maybe something around this dove is scaring it.

Overtime, once he/she gets use to its living area, maybe it will stop. If it continues, try taking a video of this behavior, and sending it to a vet.

Hope this helps,