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hurt baby bird

22 17:49:39

found today. parent bird was frightened away accidentally, but both birds were on the ground so the baby may have already been injured at that time. baby tried to fly but hit the top of the building (18 ft. tall or so)and fell to the ground.  Leg may be broken but may be not from today, because the bird had a lot of dried feces on his rear end. Have it at home now, gave it some fluids but may not be eating seed yet. Not willing to anyway.  Has most feathers, some pins still growing in, is about 1/3 size of regular dove. Is there anything that should be done for the leg?  And what to try to feed it until it gets stronger?  Thanks!

I would try to feed it bird hand feeding formula. If you don't have any you can find some at most local pet stores. You will also need a small syringe for this. If you go to this website it has complete instructions on how to properly hand feed,
Also you want to keep the bird warm, maybe a small desk lamp near buy directed at the container you have it in. (But not to close) To keep it from dehydrating, with a syringe you may want to put a few drops of water in its mouth(Don't force in, just a drop at a time.

There is not much you will be able to do with the leg unless you get the bird to an Avian vet and even then there will not be much he could do either.

Good Luck,

Let me know how it turns out.