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Eggs in nest

23 9:34:15

My finches now have a total of 15 eggs in the nest. The male pulled all the nesting material out so I was able to see them all. Should I take them all out and dispose of them as obviously they won't hatch-or at least I don't know which are the latest ones to leave. She is not setting on them regularly-just hit and miss. They did hatch one in April so know they can do it but something is not right for them. Any suggestions? The main thing is the eggs though. I don't want to have a bunch of rotten ones......

Sorry it took so long to reply, my PC was down. I'll give you my advice and what I would do.

Pull the eggs and the nest, I would take it away for a month or so. Give mom a rest and try again.

Hope that helps, feel free to ask any additional questions you may have. I usually answer questions within a day, apologies again for not responding sooner!
Thanks, Julie~