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found baby piegon

22 17:48:11

hi my husband found a small somewhat fully feathered piegon, and brought it home, i have other birds at home and so i have isolated it for now, i have been feeding it with a eye dropper water and baby bird formula, it seems as though it doesn't want to eat by itself, i have put canary seed and water in its box, but i don't see it eating, and it comes to me and chirps till i fed it, what should we do with it? well it be harmful for my other birds, we wash our hands constantly....thank you, nadine

It acts like a baby so very like is it a baby.

Too bad you can not place it with the other birds as it very like learns eating by itself by coping other birds.

There are tricks to make it healthy enough to place it with other birds, one is a premix for the conservation of thinking water for racing pigeons and cage and aviary birds. The name is "Wimo-San". Basically is it a mixture of acids. And those acids make the birds free of bacteria and germs.