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lovebird & cockatiel

23 9:33:57

Hello Can a love bird live with a cockatiel?  

Hello.  Thanks for posting your question.

It's possible these 2 species of birds could live together, but this would be the exception.  It depends on the personalities of each individual bird.  I personally would not put the 2 together in the same cage to live.  They might get along fine outside their cages together, but the lovebird could injure the cockatiel much worse than vice versa when they get in squabbles.  Birds act differently outside their cages than inside their cages, too.  This is why it just depends on the individual bird's personalities whether they get along in any situation.  Your supervision when they are outside their cages can help change a hostile situation between the two birds, but when inside a cage together and you are not home, a little squabble can sometimes turn ugly.  In this situation, the cockatiel would most probably lose to the lovebird.  
