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Ceiling-staring Cockatiel

22 17:38:50

I have a male cockatiel that i bought from a pet shop a couple of months ago. He wasnt hand-reared but he is slowly warming up to me. For the last couple of weeks he has been sitting in his cage and staring at the ceiling, bending his neck right back. He sits like this all day and rarely moves from this position. I'm worried because he has never done this before and in the last couple of days his neck is bent so far back that the back of his head is touuches his feathers on his back! Is my bird sick or does he have neck problems? He still eats regularly so he is able to bend his neck forwards. Any help would be great!


It is possible this could be an imbalance in electrolytes, bacterial or viral infection, toxin exposure, or a lack of sufficient vitamins. The only way to find out what the exact cause is is to get him to an avian veterinarian. Only by doing this will you be able to have your bird diagnosed as to what the cause is and have proper treatment prescribed.

Birds that are kept as pets are creatures of prey in the wild. They will hide illnesses until they can no longer keep it hidden. This is why pet bird owners need to keep a close watch on their birds for subtle signs of disease and illness. Because you are noticing this sign, you need to have him checked out right away. By the time a sign appears, most often a bird has been dealing with the issue longer than you suspect. Always keep an eye on the bird's behavior, eating and drinking habits and changes in droppings. Any changes that are noted, most often warrant a vet visit.

Please do not attempt to medicate and/or treat your bird using over the counter medications found in super markets or recommended by pet stores. These are often ineffective and more often unsafe to use. By doing so, you could actually do more harm than good. Never treat your bird on your own; only treat your pet with medication prescribed by your avian veterinarian.

By the way, we call this kind of behavior stargazing!

Good luck to you.
