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tame but aggressive bird

22 17:38:49

my bird is tame mostly but is aggresive when i try to get him to go in his cage just taking him near the cage he gets agressive once in cage he wont let anyone touch his food bowl thro he will jump on ur hand to come out he is loving and affectionate when out  and away from cage enless he near a computer and goes after the wire and gets snappy and demands attention 24 hours a day and is very noise he was hand reared i dont know wt to do with him i havig a baby soon and mat have to get rid of him although he will be hard to re ome with his temper wish he could get out of he aggressive behaver which i think was coz he was to spoilt is there a way to break his bad habits what can i do?


First, I'm sorry that it took me so long to answer your question.  I had a series of family issues which took me away from the computer for a while.

Second, what you have to understand is that your bird is, as all cockatiels are, very protective of their territory.  Also, when you are typing on the keyboard, your hands are doing something other than petting him.

If he is being aggressive when he is out of the cage and you are not paying attention to you, then you very well may want to give him up for adoption to a local bird club.  I'm sure you will be able to find someone to adopt him that can work with him; otherwise he may be better off going to a breeder who will responsibly set him up with a female.

Good luck with your decision.
