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buying pet birds

22 17:47:22

I would like to buy a pair of birds for a large cage under my back verandah. I would prefer birds that aren't too noisy like love birds or finches. I am worried though because although they are under cover and the cage can be put against the house, there is still quite a breeze that can come through (warm or cold breezes here). Would this be okay for the birds? The cage would actually stay outside at all times. If the birds I mentioned are't suitable, can you suggest any others?

Hello Kelly and thank you for your post.
How cold does it get where you are?  Lovebirds can take temperatures down to qbout 68 degrees (F).  Fincehs would get too cold, so they would not last.
Be sure that there is adiquate shelter for whatever kind of bird that you do put into the cage.

Good luck and God Bless.