Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > pigeons feathers falling out

pigeons feathers falling out

22 17:39:25

was wondering if you could please help, my pet pigeons feathers seem to be coming out not quite sure on what the problem is i dont think it it mite, it looks sore any ideas of what and how to treat thanks

Hi, Martin,

Are feathers coming out in one location or are you seeing a feather here, a feather there, etc.?  This is the time of year when pigeons start molting, which is a process whereby all feathers on the bird's body are replaced with new feathers.  This doesn't happen all at once might see 1 or 2 feathers falling out per day (sometimes more per day, depending on the severity of the molt).  

I would have to have more information about the problem in order to assist further.  You mention the area looks "sore"...I would have to know what you mean by this, i.e., is the area bleeding, scabbed over, etc.
