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Senegal supplys

23 9:33:59

Hi I am getting a senegal parrot in a few months, I want to have everything ready for him/her so I will list what I have just to be sure I haven't missed anything.........

Cage, seeds/pellets, toys, playpen, food/water cups, perches & plant mister(for showers), have I missed anything?

Hello.  Thanks for posting your questions.

I'd get rid of the seed (except for the occasional treat) and substitute fresh veggies, fruits, etc.  I'd recommend a water bottle versus water cups/dishes, you can use outside tree limbs for perches, and you can provide a big bowl so your bird can bathe himself regularly versus using a plant mister.  You'll need some type of substrate (newspaper or other) for the bottom of the cage.  Do you plan on covering s/he at night?  What about an avian should take your new bird in for a checkup after your purchase (and you'll need one in case an emergency crops up...don't wait until you need one).  If you'll be getting a baby bird, hopefully s/he will be fully weaned (keep the same diet as the previous owner, unless it requires change...if so, change gradually).  Be sure to get sex information in writing (DNA sexing analysis), as well as any guarantees.  If you have other birds, you should quarantine the new bird for at least 30 days in a separate room away from your other birds...then take your new bird to an avian vet for a checkup when the 30 days is over.    
