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parrot harness

23 9:34:00

Hello Can I take me senegal parrot out without a harrness if his wings are clipped?  If a harrness is nessairy how do you put it on them without being bitten?

It is not recommended to take your bird outside even if his/her wings are clipped unless your bird has the protection of a carrier or harness. With the right gust of wind (or if the bird gets startled enough), s/he can get flight and take off. Clipping wings is not ment to stop the bird from flying... just to limit the height they can gain. However, outside there are lots of other factors and even clipped birds can gain height and fly away.

There are instructions with the harnesses about how to put them on and get your parrot used to them. The best way to avoid getting bitten by your bird when putting on a harness is to get your bird used to lots of handling. Touch his/her wing, lift the wing out... touch their back, feet, chest, head ect....

Sorry this link is so long... but it is a link to a wonderful handout all about taking your bird outdoors safely:

I hope this helps.
