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dove egg

22 17:34:03

hi roger,
i have a dove egg that my doves layed but the other day my female dove flew out the door so the daddy was left with the egg and he was only on it for two days and then didnt want to care for it anymore so i took it and i have it in a box with a heating pad and wood chips so it can stay warm do you think im doing it right or is there something else i should know

It depends on how long the egg was uncared for . If it was incubated for a couple of days and then not attended for a day or two, it is probably no good. Once incubation starts and then the egg is allowed to cool down, the development process is interrupted and will not start again. If by some chance the egg hatches (keep it at 100 degrees and moist), then go to for information on raising the young bird. Good luck.