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love birds hatchlings

22 17:47:21

I will appreciate your help.
I have 3 baby lovebirds the oldest 3 days old. I noticed there was no droppings at all. I picked the oldest one up and noticed he has a huge belly. It looks like it is going to explode. I am very concerned since I have never seeing that. I have had others, but this seems very unusual to me.Please advise what can I do. Today is Saturday and there's no vets available around where I live in Guttenberg New Jersey. Please advise if there's something I should do to help them poop....I think all of them have big bellies, even the youngest that was born yesterday.

Thank you.

Hi, Teresa,

I'm sorry I'm late answering your question.  I've been sick and in the hospital.

If you haven't already, you need to have these babies seen by a certified avian vet (not a cat/dog vet).  If they are not pooping, something is wrong.  Continuing to feed them will make the problem(s) worse.  Need to have the vet determine what the problem is.  Could be that their crops aren't working properly, they could have medical problem(s of some sort (illness), etc.
