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my bird flew out the door

22 17:48:09

my bird flew out the door yesterday and we cant find her but my grandma said she saw him on the house around the corner and we cant get him back what should i do/will he survive out there?will his mate die please answer these questions thank you so much

Hello Chelsey,

You can get your bird back but you need to act quickly to get the word out. Place an ad in your local newspaper as well as the following website:

Also put up flyers around your neighborhood. By getting the word out and being persistent in your search you can get your bird back.

In the above website is a Helpful Tips link that will give you suggestions on getting your bird back.

As for the mate of your bird, I don't feel I quite understand your question. Is your bird showing symptoms of illness? If you are concerned for his health than you should take him to an avian veterinarian. If you are asking will he die because his mate is gone - then the answer is no.

Good luck to you.
