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how do i breed my budgies?

22 17:48:10

hi, I've had my budgies for quite a while now and they don't seem to breed what signs are there that they will breed? they both feed each other so they must get along well. i am shore ones a boy and ones a girl because the cere of one budgie is blue and the other budgie is brown and crusty! the boy is younger than the girl does that make any defference? i have a nesting box in their cage with hay in it and they seem to take an interest to it the boy always tries to go in there but the girl does not like him going in there she seems to guard it. they like to empty the hay from the nesting box and make a pile of it around the bottom of the cage does this mean anything? also if they do breed how many is the average amount of babies made ,how long does it take for the eggs to come out of the mother and how long for them to hatch? thank you for your time please write back...

Hello, maybe there too young? the hen should be 10 months or odler and the male should be 10 months also or older...they should both be fully mature. Vudgies dont use nesting material and they Do remove it. If any one of them is going into the box this is a good sign as this means they are inspecting the box prior to laying. The hen takes 10 days after mating to lay the first egg every two days after the first is when the rest of clutch is laid....first egg  ten days after mating...two days later egg number two, two days later egg number three ect ect. The eggs take 18 days to hatch.